Bioidentical hormones are identical in molecular structure to the hormones produced naturally in the human body. They are often used in hormone replacement therapy to help treat symptoms related to hormone imbalance or decline.
Some key things to know about bioidentical hormones:
Many people seek bioidentical hormones to find relief from disruptive menopause symptoms. Continue reading to learn more about what causes hormone imbalance and who can benefit from bioidentical hormone therapy.
Hormone levels can become imbalanced for various reasons including natural aging, medical conditions, medications, or surgery such as hysterectomy. The most common causes of hormonal imbalance include:
Menopause marks the end of a woman's menstrual cycles and fertility. It typically begins in the late 40s to early 50s. Declining estrogen and progesterone levels lead to symptoms like hot flashes, trouble sleeping, vaginal dryness, and emotional changes in many women.
Testosterone levels peak in most men during their late teens to early 20s then slowly decline by roughly 1% per year past age 30. Lower testosterone (low T) can sap energy, libido, muscle mass and strength.
An under or overactive thyroid doesn't produce the right amounts of hormones T3 and T4. This can lead to weight issues, fatigue, hair thinning, feeling cold, constipation, or elevated cholesterol among other signs.
Issues with the adrenal glands, pituitary gland, ovaries, and pancreas can impact hormone circulation as well. Medical treatments like steroids or chronic stress may also throw off normal hormone rhythms.
In many cases, supplementing your body's natural hormone production with bioidentical hormone therapy can effectively minimize unwanted symptoms and restore better metabolic balance.
Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is most commonly used to treat symptoms related to menopause, perimenopause or low testosterone in aging males. But others may gain benefits as well.
Patients who are candidates for bioidentical hormone therapy often share these attributes:
Using body identical hormones under a trained anti-aging physician’s care can help stabilize erratic hormones. Relief of symptoms and often better general wellbeing follows.
Treatment success depends on proper hormone balancing customized for your individual needs. Keep reading to learn more about some of the most common bioidentical hormone therapy methods.
Optimal Hormone Health Center is a leading hormone health and wellness clinic proudly serving the Ronkonkoma area. Our highly trained physicians have years of experience using cutting edge bioidentical hormone balancing strategies. We’ll take the time to understand your unique situation and prescribe a thoughtful treatment plan to meet your individual needs. Unsure if you’re a candidate for bioidentical hormone therapy? Reach out today to schedule a consultation.
There are multiple delivery methods used in bioidentical hormone replacement tailored to each person's needs and preferences. The most common include:
Bioidentical capsules contain hormone formulas expertly mixed by specialty pharmacies according to the prescribing doctor’s specifications. Wide dosing adjustment options make capsules very versatile in dialing in optimal balance. Capsules may contain estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA and/or thyroids as needed.
Custom blended transdermal creams are a popular way to supply your body with bioidentical hormones. Creams absorb efficiently through skin contact providing consistent, therapeutic dosing better mimicking natural production. Creams are typically prescribed in measured pump applications.
Pre-filled skin patches and gels supply steady hormone dosing upon application to large skin areas. However, some users report skin reaction to adhesive patches. Absorption rates from patches and gels can fluctuate some based on environmental factors and skin integrity.
Hormone pellets are very small capsules containing highly concentrated compressed hormone mixtures. Through minor office procedure, pellets are placed under the skin steadily releasing hormones for typically 3-5 months before requiring replacement. Pellets bypass digestive processes for very consistent dosing.
Finding the right delivery method or combination to uniquely meet treatment goals is key to successful long-term hormone balancing and symptom relief from troublesome menopause, andropause or thyroid disorder signs. Optimal Hormone Health Center physicians have advanced training in bioidentical hormone optimization enabling them to best determine which approach is right for you.
Bioidentical hormones are not necessarily safer or more effective than synthetic hormones for menopausal symptoms. However, some women report preferring them because they more closely mimic the body's natural hormones. More research is still needed to fully understand the risks and benefits.
Comprehensive lab testing provides critical data guiding precise customized bioidentical hormone therapy. Before initiating treatment, labwork establishes baselines helping track progress responding to different combinations and dosages tried. Ongoing testing confirms hormones are balanced properly minimizing symptoms without over stimulating tissues.
Tracking key hormone levels, metabolites and downstream compounds is extremely useful. Commonly tested blood markers include:
Estradiol - Most biologically active form of estrogen Estrone - Weaker estrogen produced after menopause Estriol - Estrogen more dominant during pregnancy Progesterone - Key for menstrual cycling and pregnancy Testosterone - Most critical androgen (male hormone) DHEA - Hormone precursor from adrenal glands Thyroid panel (TSH, free T3 & T4) - Thyroid function impacts all cell processes
Plus cholesterol ratios, sex hormone binding globulin, cellular byproducts like methylation factors, and other specialized testing as needed.
Follow up blood draws or saliva tests after starting therapy inform dosing changes until relief of troublesome symptoms is achieved and labs show good balance. Ongoing monitoring helps sustain optimization.
Optimal Hormone Health Center physicians are highly experienced ordering and interpreting the right hormone screenings to inform personalized care leading to revitalized wellbeing. We also educate our patients every step so they understand the whys behind our strategic protocols. Reach out to learn more about advanced hormone balancing tactics with Optimal Hormone Health Center.
Balancing key hormones within precision ranges via bioidentical therapy can yield significant benefits improving many aspects of health. Potential advantages include relief from disruptive deficiency symptoms plus protective effects against some age-related diseases.
Here are some of the most widely reported upsides of bioidentical hormone replacement when prescribed and monitored appropriately under a qualified practitioner’s oversight:
In addition to relieving bothersome deficiency symptoms, properly reconstituting waning hormones to more youthful ranges with bioidentical therapy may help slow physiologic aging processes. Age related hormone decline is connected to several diseases. Optimizing key hormones as we age may confer protective effects on the brain, heart, bones and more to support graceful longevity.
However, realizing benefits depends on appropriately restoring hormones in proper balance without overshooting healthy ranges. That’s why choosing an experienced age management focused physician for testing, oversight and monitoring throughout therapy is so important.
Optimal Hormone Health Center doctors have exceptional advanced education and expertise in precision anti-aging bioidentical hormone replacement protocols to help patients look better, feel better and live optimally safer and longer. We invite you to have an introductory conversation to begin your revitalizing path back to peak wellness.
The many uncomfortable signs and health risks connected to hormonal decline and imbalance should not be viewed as inevitable parts of aging we must endure. Restoring waning hormones closer to youthful norms with properly dosed bioidentical hormones increasingly demonstrates better, safer relief potential. However, seeking timely treatment is vital for several key reasons:
Therefore, noticing emerging issues like energetic fade, sexual issues, fitful sleep plus other common hormone deficiency signs should spur timely evaluation and preemptive action. Identifying declines early when some native hormone production remains offers more rebalancing flexibility without extreme measures often needed down the road.
Optimal Hormone Health Center’ executive physicals take a proactive, preventive approach assessing all key hormone systems to detect entry points for judicious support. Then via precision bioidentical replenishment, persisting youthful function and proficiency helping thwart diseases of aging is more readily attainable. Take control of your wellness future by reaching out for a health analysis today.
While hormone balancing benefits are clear, realizing success demands expert care that looks beyond temporary symptom relief. As leaders in credible age management medicine, Optimal Hormone Health Center’s clinical advantage lies in our dedication to patients achieving pinnacle sustained wellbeing via cutting edge protocols such as:
Through our distinctive comprehensive approach and steadfast dedication, Optimal Hormone Health Center has helped thousands reclaim the many uplifting facets of excellent health. Allow our extensive experience and care guide you on your transformative path back to vitality. Call today to arrange a new patient appointment to start balancing your hormones correctly. Identify the source of imbalance, not just treat the symptoms temporarily.
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